Bucket Elevator

Bucket Elevator

What is Bucket Elevator?

Bucket elevators move bulk material vertically much like the conveyor belt. Buckets are attached to a rotating belt and fill with the material at the bottom of the elevator then move it to a designated point. When the bucket reaches this point, it discharges the contents, returns to the start point, and begins the process again. Buckets prevent spillage with their upright position design.


An appliance for elevating material, consisting of steel buckets fastened to an endless belt or chain. It is usually set at steep angles, around 70 degrees. The load is picked up by discharge from a chute or by a dredging action in a boot. Its best application is in a plant where space is restricted and the size of the material is less than 2 in (5.1 cm).

What are the Applications of Bucket Elevator?

Bucket elevators are easy to use and are designed to handle various materials across various industrial facilities. The following are a few common materials conveyed using bucket elevators.

  1. FMCG Industry
  2. Cement Factories
  3. Ash Handling Systems
  4. Grain Handling
  5. Pharmaceutical Companies
  6. Mining
  7. Refractory Industries
  8. Glass Industry
  9. Pulp & Paper, etc.

Types of Bucket Elevator: 

  • Centrifugal Bucket Elevator
  • Continuous Bucket Elevator
  • Positive Discharge Bucket Elevator

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